
Let me take you with me on my latest journey…to Egypt. A country thousands of years old, it’s former glory, civilization and fading beauty still visible. But also a country in the midst of political turmoil.
After a year in Thailand and South East Asia, what I found there was not a place of optimism or joy. Being in Egypt left a sweet but also a bitter taste. Many foreigners come to visit Egypt and enjoy it very much. It is a wonderful place on the surface but if you dig deeper, a slightly different picture will reveal itself. While I was there a tourist bus was bombed next to the Pyramids and two Germans disappeared. Locals were telling me to leave the country as fast as I can and to never come back. That was their well-meant advice. It was a very stark contrast to easy-going and smiling South East Asia.
My journey began in Alexandria, where men like Alexander the Great, Caesar and Napoleon first set foot on these ancient lands to start their conquests.
For the next weeks I will share at least once a week a story from Egypt. I will try to take you on a journey through this ancient land in troubled times. There will be nice and not so nice stories, as I heard them.

The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater
— J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

Abandoned Chocolate Factory, Germany


Varosha, Cyprus